

时间:2023-10-25 09:16:19 读后感 我要投稿





  "Race against Time" is about a boy who is sad because of his grandmother's death. He runs round and round in the school playground every day, and when he is tired, he falls into the grass and cries.

  The author cherishes time very much. Sometimes he runs with the sun, sometimes he runs with the northwest wind, sometimes he finishes his homework in ten days in a summer vacation, and sometimes he goes to the third grade to do his brother's homework in the fifth grade... Thinking of this, I think of myself. I write my homework very slowly. I drink water and play with my pen. I can't finish it in two hours, let alone one hour. Besides, I was supposed to get up at 6:30, but then I heard the alarm clock ring. I thought, "Just sleep for five minutes, five minutes." Finally, when my mother came to pull my quilt, I looked at the alarm clock. Wow! It's 7:00. What five minutes left!


  A while ago, I bought a book in the book store called "Dripping Water Hides the Sea", which contains 300 classic philosophical stories. Now let me taste a little story called "Fate".

  "Destiny" is about the fate of a couple of children, one of whom was divined by an eminent monk as "Number One Scholar" and the other as "Beggar". Twenty years later, the original "Number One Scholar" became a beggar, while the "beggar" became the "Number One Scholar".

  God said, "The talent I give to everyone accounts for one third of his destiny, and the rest is how he grasps it."

  After reading this passage, I was touched. How simple is it to grasp fate, but how many people really grasp their own destiny? Don't complain about your talent, let alone your destiny, because your destiny is in your hands, and you can change it at any time!


  Snow White is a beautiful and kind princess. After the malicious queen (who is Snow White's stepmother) knew that Snow White was more beautiful than her, she was intent on killing Snow White. Several designs almost killed Snow White. The kind dwarf saved Snow White and took Snow White in. Finally, a prince married Snow White. The queen knew that Snow White was not dead, and she was angry to death.

  The reason why the vicious queen is so vicious is that she is too jealous of Snow White's beauty. In fact, she is also very beautiful. She doesn't know that beauty doesn't have to look at the appearance. The beauty of heart is the real beauty. No matter how beautiful a person is, if her heart is ugly, how can we think she is beautiful? On the contrary, we think such people are ugly!

  Good people have good returns, and bad people have bad returns. Beauty doesn't have to depend on appearance. The beauty of soul is the real beauty.









