

时间:2024-03-07 09:40:49 读后感 我要投稿




  The story of Little Prince is both beautiful and sad: the pilot "I" wasforced to land in the Sahara Desert far away from people because of the planefailure, when a charming and mysterious little boy appeared and obstinatelyasked "I" to draw him a sheep. He is a little prince, pure and melancholy. Hecomes from an unknown asteroid in the solar system. He loves to ask questions,but never answers other people's questions.

  During the conversation, the secretof the little prince was gradually revealed, and he left angrily because of theemotional entanglement with his beautiful and proud roses. He roamed the worlds,visited the worlds of kings, conceited people, drunks, businessmen, lamplightersand geographers, and finally landed on the earth, trying to find a good way torelieve loneliness and pain. In The Little Prince, I learned a responsibilitycalled "domestication". When the fox described his heart to the little prince,he said, "If you tame me, my life will be full of sunshine, and your footstepswill become different from others.

  Other people's footsteps will make me hideunder the ground quickly, and your footsteps will call me out of the cave likemusic. Do you see the wheat field over there ... You have golden hair, andgolden wheat will remind me of you, and I will be happy.







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