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  If life is water, faith is flow. If life is fire, honesty is a leap. If life is a bird, faith is flying. If life is a tree with luxuriant foliage, then honesty is the nectar for watering the tree. If life is a blooming flower, then integrity is the hormone that promotes flowering.

  Without integrity, life has no weight. Without integrity, the world becomes cloudy and cold. Let us extend the fear of the heart in sincerity, and enjoy the world in the sincerity. To retain the sincerity, our life has a gorgeous color; To retain the sincerity, you and I have a passionate resonance in the heart. Let us open the door of cooperation in each other's trust and let us release the joy of our hearts in each other's trust. Keeping credit, our eyes become a forgotten "monitor", keeping credit, our ears become the "dust catcher" of the back. The complexity of the world, to retain credit to ourselves, we can not be afraid of the rain, not afraid of the wind, not afraid of lightning strikes.

  Honesty has no weight, but it can make people have the light of the feather, can make people have the weight of mount tai; Honesty has no price, but can let a person's soul devalue, can let a person's soul nobility; Honesty has no volume, but it can be narrow-minded, short-sighted, and can make people broad and forward-looking. Trustworthiness has no colour, but can let a person's mood gray, pale, can let a person's mood high, happy!

  There is no single achievement in the world, no fixed mountain, no eternal glory. The glory is short, it is only a small piece of beautiful scenery on the journey of life, it is beautiful again, it is only a small life; But honesty is the seed for cultivating the beautiful scenery of life. You have been working hard, and you have been beautiful all the time. You will spread the seeds of integrity to the earth, and your life will be beautiful for a long time.

  Remember that cute little boy in the north of America? Remember the cherry tree that he cut? It is like a lost pebble, lying in my clear and clear memory. There was something of remorse and guilt about the childish, innocent smile, and when he confessed everything to his father, honesty was the best expression of his good heart. We will never forget the honest little boy who was the father of the United States. The great man undoubtedly has many virtues, which have earned him countless respect and love, and that honesty is the most shining point of his life.

  Remember the last year of the qin dynasty the army of the enemy, the king of the west chu king xiang yu? He had a passion for the courage of the world, but the only thing he lacked was an honest heart. When he first came to xianyang, his "three light policy", his suspicion, so that he lost credibility, also lost the hearts of the people, and lost the tragic end of the wujiang river.

  Honesty is a kind of consciousness of life, it is the heavy duty to face the universe. Honesty is a kind of life attitude, with it, you will only be on the fertile soil of your life and society to get along well with others and moist, you can grasp life ship, ride out the rapids rapids; Honesty is a kind of life state, a kind of based on the spirit of the atmosphere and free and natural landmark, a kind of life experience high style, beyond the loss of life and suffering, as well as KeBei eagerness for realize the real meaning of the pursuit of self-worth. It is a kind of poise, a kind of elegant, a kind of spirit, a gentleman, a science of uniting the soul, a kind of self nurturing, a cultural character, the taste of a high-level, a the biggest does not constitute any emotional damage tolerance and understanding, a handsome and beautiful words, a kind of wisdom and tolerance of human life.

  Honesty is the kind of fire that you need to warm up. It is the clear wind that you set aside in your mind. Long life road, good faith leads me. Retain the integrity, retain the sincerity, stay in the beauty, keep the bright and brilliant.

  As flowers of the motherland, the backbone of the future, let us forget adhesion on our minds, impetuous and hypocrisy, young true flag, back up the integrity of their bags, sow the seeds of good faith, we believe that when we bathed in the integrity of the sun, bright and warm scenery around us will be more fresh, more charming!


  The title of my speech is "integrity with us."

  Standing under the national flag, looking up at the red flag flying high, the sight of a rooster proudly shows the map of our great motherland. I can not help thinking of the thousands, every time this moment, we are immersed in the majestic national anthem, solemn and serious to the motherland, the flag quietly to make their own wishes. The new generation of us bears a heavy burden, we as the most precious treasure of the motherland, the first one is to be honest. What is integrity? Farmers say that honesty is the fruit of autumn. The teacher said that honesty is the white jade pure feeling between teachers and students; Workers say that honesty is a product of high quality and high quality. In short, integrity is the foundation of human beings and the survival of the nation.

  Turning over the history of civilization of the Chinese nation for five thousand years, we will find that there are many stories of honest and trustworthy people. At the same time, we also see that the loss of honesty can lead to the destruction of the country. The king of chu lost his faith, not only his country, but also a generation of virtuous courtiers -- qu yuan drank and hated the river. Wu SAN GUI lost the letter, leaving a thousand words... . Therefore, as a mirror of history, integrity is the foundation for us to build, cultivate and conduct ourselves.

  Honesty is important to a person, but more important to a country. An honest man is social dangerous goods, and are not a honest people is a great sorrow. Therefore, we are middle school students should practice more, starts from me, so as to shoulder the important task of building the motherland in the near future.

  As the host of our future motherland, we are confronted with a new technology, new information, new system, and increasingly competitive information age. To be able to adapt ourselves to this era, and to make our nation stand in this competitive world, we must be honest and trustworthy. You can have no money, no honor, no health, but you can't have no integrity, because honesty is the foundation of a person, the survival of the nation.

  Students in good faith to do homework, integrity test, honest people, this is the call of The Times, is imperative. Friends, let us start from the small things around us, do not let honesty only appear on the paper, become our mantra, to make it active in us, let integrity everywhere. Students, as long as we all act, our motherland construction will be like the day, thriving. Students let us shout "good faith with us!"






  拥有诚信,一根小小的火柴,可以燃亮一片心空;拥有诚信,一片小小的绿叶,可以倾倒一个季节;拥有诚信,一朵小小的浪花,可以飞溅起整个海洋…… 我们需要诚信,我们呼唤诚信,诚信是美丽的,因为它给世界带来了温暖的阳光;诚信是微小的,它只需要占据心灵中一个很小的角落,就温暖了整个人生;诚信是脆弱的,只要一场暴雨,就足以使它香消玉殒。

  古人云:诚信于君为忠,诚信于父为孝,诚信于友为义,诚信于民为仁,诚信于交为智。古往今来,诚信的明灯一直被人们高高举起,那些关于诚信的故事,犹如一道道绚丽的彩虹,总能在第一时间明亮我们的心灵。很多人都听过这样一个故事:一个叫孟信的人,家里很穷,无米下锅,只有一头病牛。一天他外出,他的侄子将牛牵到集市上卖了。孟信回来后非常生气,责备他的侄子不该把病牛卖给人家,并亲自找到买主将钱如数退还,牵回了自家的病牛。 透过历史的烟尘,我们清楚地看到孟信手中紧紧牵住的绝不是一头生病的黄牛,而是一条健康与高尚的道德纤绳,它将一个人的人品、修养引入了纯洁的圣地。这就是诚信的力量。都说商场如战场,然而“一诺千金”的佳话也不绝于耳。举国闻名的海尔集团曾有过一次这样的经历:在与客户签发合同之后,由于种种原因,公司延误了发货时间,为了信守合同,公司决定采用空运,为此损失了一大笔钱,却由此赢得了信誉。






















  姚福波,年仅17岁的他就踏进了农信大门。凭借着自身的毅力和向上的精神,很快脱颖而出, 20xx年,他已经是信用社的一名主任。角色的转换,要求他率先垂范,说到做到。他提倡调查研究,深入实际,他亲自带领信贷人员,深入村屯、走访企业,走遍了铁厂镇和环通乡7个村36个屯,敲开了万户农家的大门。春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子。去年末,环城信用社各项贷的款余额达到3亿多元。






















  In the past, "trust the world." From the days of pangu to the five emperors of the three emperors, the king of the dynasty was sincere, eloquent and eloquent. "The honest man, the way of heaven." Laozi, Confucius, mencius, and all the hundreds of families were all "sincere" and "the way of man" with friends. As own duty. The tang dynasty poetry fairy li bai, the poet sheng du fu, the poem magic bai juyi the most sincere light, the bright and aboveboard "sincerity is clear, the Ming is sincere." The high wind festival, for the later generations to admire. Qin bian que "look, smell, ask, cut" diagnostic integrity; Han hua tuo "ma fei SAN" "five poultry opera" medical treatment for integrity; The sun of tang dynasty invited "to be ready for a thousand gold" and "a thousand golden wingers" to have integrity; The compendium of materia medica, a pharmacopoeia of the song dynasty, is the crystallization of integrity. In the course of history, outstanding medical scientists have given their medical treasures, and they shine with integrity. Its sincere letter of strict medical style, more people to look at their shame. Five thousand years of civilization and history is the history of integrity, and the virtue of the Chinese nation is the virtue of integrity.

  Now, in the past, the desire to continue the integrity of the past, like the rejection of the street rat, has been abandoned. Hope to have an honest blue sky, hope to have a sincere heart. However, it is hard to forget that the monitor in the examination room, the students lost their honesty to the teacher first, or the teacher has lost the integrity to the students first. Credibility is based on trust. Although the monitor can prevent students from cheating in the exam, it can cast a shadow on the students' minds -- the teacher has lost credibility with the students. If you do not trust the integrity of the students, you will install the monitor. While the adolescent students are in a rebellious period, they are inevitably disgusted with the teacher, which leads to the rebellious attitude: "you don't want me to cheat, I want to." In this way, students lose credibility with their teachers. Similar to the "jiahe college entrance examination fraud incident" occurred year after year; In the ordinary course, the answer, the book, the grading, the primary school, the high school, the university will be more of the cheating behavior to the end. The examination room needs to purify the environment, the student teacher needs to purify the mind more. "In the middle, in the shape of the outside". The honesty of the mind leads to the honesty of action. The integrity of the personality has integrity of the examination room. Students and teachers have a foundation of mutual trust. The master said, "a man without faith is without knowledge." Integrity is related to the rise and fall of the country. "The walk of the road, the world for the public, the selection of the virtuous and the ability, the letter repair." Building trust between people is crucial to achieving social stability and promoting production and development. In April, the "fake milk powder incident" in fuyang, anhui, caused 171 infants to suffer from malnutrition syndrome, including 13 deaths from complications. There are a lot of dishonest ACTS and financial markets, for example, defrauded or deliberately default on bank loans, a false listing material, the disclosure of false financial information, the phenomenon such as stock price manipulation BuFaJiLi using false information. These are serious consequences of lack of credibility. "Crown of a few years ago living garden" made cakes, old old filling not only led directly to the famous old shops closed, but also harm the innocent, make whole big energy-sapping moon cake industry, but many moon cake business so many years rolled over and come.

  Dishonest ACTS to the enterprise, industry and even the social effects of the credit is huge, it directly affects the consumer and investor confidence in the market, to the state, enterprises and caused a great damage to the interests of the people. The credit crisis seriously disturbs the social order. It undermines the social morality, undermines the ideal and belief, and ultimately damages the value judgment mechanism of the whole society, which leads to the decline of moral level in society. Is the good faith gone from this world?

  What about the future? In the future, I hope everyone has a sincere heart. Because people are not honest, they have no faith. When you fall, give your sunshine aid; When confused, honesty gives you starlight encouragement; When you are down, honesty gives you comfort. When you are helpless, honesty gives you the courage of the waves. Honesty is a good meal when you are thirsty, when you are hungry. The integrity of all the real, the good, the beauty of the feeling, reflects the aura of your heart and soul, listening to the heart and heart of the sound, to the heart of the footsteps. You will find that there is no mistake in your choice, you treat others with honesty and sincerity, and then the heart will melt into blood. Honest businessmen, prosperous business, business rumble, money rolling; Honest officials, good talents, and the people, and the people's support and love; Honest men of letters, good friends, people; The country of good faith, with the neighboring country harmonious, without the interference of war, the people are happy. Honesty is the essence of honesty, consistency and consistency, neither self-deception nor deceit. Yingying moonlight, I have the most clear; I use a wisp of the warmest; Burning red leaves, I am the hottest; My wife fanghua, I pick a bunch of the most brilliant, let us all have a sincere heart!

  Integrity is no longer the past perfect, it is now, and will continue forever!

  Remember! People take good faith as Ben!


































  Honesty is the foundation of human beings and the survival of the nation. An honest man is social dangerous goods, and are not a honest people is a great sorrow. Therefore, we contemporary college students should practice more, starts from me, start from the intravenous drip, write on the face, if put the letter in the in the mind. In this way, we will shoulder the task of building the motherland in the near future.

  Tracing the history of Chinese civilization for five thousand years, you will find that there are many stories about being honest and trustworthy. Shang Yang gained the trust of the people by obtaining the trust of the people, and introduced the new law. Ji zaijian but xu guojun's wish, is passed into a thousand words. At the same time, we also see that the loss of honesty can lead to the destruction of the country. Wu sangui lost faith, leaving a thousand names. As early as more than two thousand years ago, Confucius wrote the book with his life's energy, stating that integrity is the foundation of human beings and the foundation of the nation's business and the foundation of human development. For thousands of years, its great spirit has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It has been passed down from generation to generation, burning every corner of the Chinese land and spreading the essence of Oriental civilization throughout the world. It can be seen that honesty is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation since ancient times, and it is a pure gold that has been washed out by long and heavy waves of life. Therefore, we talk about integrity today, not a whim.

  "If you say so, you will." Famous haier group had one such experience: after issued by contract with the customer, due to various reasons, the company delayed the delivery time, in order to abide by the contract, the company decided to by air, cost a large sum of money, but to win the credibility. The President proudly said, "we succeeded because we would rather lose all our possessions than lose our credit. But in today's society, in order to seek exorbitant profits, merchants to pork with water, soaking with formalin seafood, common occurance of counterfeit cigarettes fakes, poison rice, inferior milk powder, are destroying many lively life! In the face of those who emerge in endlessly, and small-scale operations deception, genuine products, behind the kind people helpless and helpless, the whole society honest system has received the unprecedented severe impact!

  Therefore, taking history as a mirror, with today as the mirror, integrity is our contemporary university student's standing, the morality, the affairs of the fundamental.

  As the host of our future motherland, we are confronted with a new technology, new information, new system, and increasingly competitive information age. To be able to adapt ourselves to this era, and to make our nation stand in this competitive world, we must be honest and trustworthy. You can do without money, you can not honor, also can have no health, but you can't not integrity, honesty, integrity, sincerity, this is conform to the call of The Times, is imperative. University campus is responsible for the moral education for students, and "integrity" education is also indispensable. Let the students develop their moral judgment ability in moral education practice, and obtain the moral quality of self-improvement, self-satisfaction, self-affirmation and the spiritual enjoyment of the self. In a word, the key of education is to influence the wider social group through the radiation of the school, so as to form an environment of integrity.

  Nowadays, the problem of honesty of college students is increasingly serious. Why is that? Honest people are always at the expense of others, and when they say false things, the values of our college students are skewed. The vicious competition of education has bred the speculative psychology of college students. The common impetuous psychology of the society, which makes us college students to be impetuous, unable to sit on the bench, can not endure loneliness, still not mind. Don't try hard, cram at the moment, cheat often happens. Honesty has no weight, but it can make people have the light of the feather, can make people have the weight of mount tai; Honesty has no volume, can make people mood grey, pale, can make people high spirits, happy.


























